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Free and Informed Consent Information

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You can therefore refuse to participate in the survey or refuse to answer some or all of the questions in the questionnaire. At any point before or during the survey, you can withdraw from the survey without justification or penalty whatsoever.If a participant withdraws from the study, or we find that the data is incomplete we deleted from our records.
 In any case, you can mention this survey to your peers but please do not include details about its form and/or content to avoid biasing their participation.

You will not derive any benefits from your participation in this project. You will not receive any financial compensation for your participation in this survey. However, the knowledge acquired thanks to your participation will help us advance the state of the art in software engineering.  In addition, we offered the possibility to particpate in a raffle for an Amazon Card with a value of 80 CAD.

Your participation does not entail any additional risk than those to which you are subject in your regular daily activities. Should you suffer any prejudice as a result of your participation in this survey, you can appeal to the researchers, the granting agencies, and/or the institution to respect and apply their legal and professional responsibilities.

Your participation is necessary to collect ANONYMOUS data regarding your experience and working habits with software refactoring. Your participation will allow us to collect the data to understand the perspective of practitioners about refactoring, and  how it is performed in the industries. Your participation will require approximately 20 minutes of your time.

To preserve your anonymity, the questionnaire does not include any nominative or coding information. However, just for the people interested in participate in the raffle, we provide a field to enter email contact information to send the amazon card in case they result winners.

Your participation will allow us to collect your opinion about automated refactoring, it is quality and relevance compared to manual refactoring performed by Java developers.

This data will remain strictly confidential within the legal limits. The data will be kept under lock in an office at Polytechnique Montreal. The researchers will use all of the data for the sole objectives of the survey briefly described above.

The information will be stored in the computers of the Swat lab during the study.  These machines are protected by password and only Foutse Khomh can grant access to the machine, and only Rodrigo Morales have permission to work on the computers assigned to this project.  The data will be kept for a 10-year period, after which it will be destroyed.

By clicking any of the following links you accept the terms and conditions of this study.

Group Link
1. group not available.
2. group not available.
3. group not available.
4. https://www.jotform.com/72975230678265

Foutse Khomh Rodrigo Morales
DGIGL, École Polytechnique, Pavillon Claudette-MacKay-Lassonde
2900, boulevard Édouard-Montpetit
Campus Université de Montréal, 2500, chemin de la Polytechnique
Montréal, QC, H3T 1J4, Canada
Office: M 4123 Office: M 4118
